Great Salt Lake and Water Reuse : Determining the Future of Great Salt Lake
Title:Great Salt Lake and Water Reuse : Determining the Future of Great Salt Lake
Publisher:Great Salt Lake Advisory Council
Agency:Great Salt Lake Advisory Council; Water Quality; Environmental Quality
Date Published:2021
Pages:4 p.
Description:Utah Administrative Code R317-3 sets forth the different types of reuses depending on where human exposure is likely (Type I) such as irrigation of landscape at individual houses or on golf courses, or where human contact is unlikely (Type II) such as irrigation on agricultural crops excluding where direct contact occurs with the editable parts of foods or for pasture for milking animals. This section also identifies the treatment level and limits required based on type of reuse and requires that reuse water have a chlorine residual. Finally, section R317-13 defines the approvals and permits required of a reuse project for a publicly owned municipal water reclamation facility.
Type (DCMI):Text
Type (Utah):Report
Internet Media Type:application/pdf
Topic:Natural resources; Environmental protection
Subject (LCSH):Water reuse; Water reuse--Environmental aspects; Droughts; Droughts--Economic aspects; Droughts--Environmental aspects; Droughts--Social aspects; Climatic changes; Climatic changes--Economic aspects; Climatic changes--Social aspects; Environmental protection; Water levels; Lakes; Lakes--Environmental aspects; Lakes--Economic aspects; Lake ecology; Salt lakes; Salt lake ecology; Wetlands; Wetland ecology; Birds; Birds--Ecology; Birds--Habitat; Migratory birds; Shore birds; Shore birds--Ecology; Shore birds--Habitat; Water birds; Water birds--Ecology; Water birds--Habitat; Habitat (Ecology); Global environmental change
Place:Great Salt Lake, Box Elder County, Utah, United States,, 41.16266, -112.53491
Rights:The Utah State Library Division considers state publications made available by state agencies and political subdivisions as required by Utah Code Ann. § 9-7-201 to 9-7-209 to be in the public domain under U.S. copyright law (17 U.S.C.). All informational materials in this government publication are in the public domain, and as such, are not restricted by copyright law unless otherwise stated.
Collection:Utah State Publications
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Document ID:168279

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