Utah State Legislature 2020 issue brief : Fees in the Department of Health (February 13, 2020) |
Frandsen, Russell |
Utah. Legislature. Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |
Utah. Legislature. Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |
Legislature ; Legislative Fiscal Analyst ; Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee |
2020 |
40 p. |
In accordance with UCA 63J-1-504, requiring the agency to "submit its fee schedule . . . to the Legislature for its approval on an annual basis," the following fees (included in this brief) are proposed for the services of the Department of Health in FY 2021. These fees will generate revenue of approximately $24,400,000 in FY 2021 if all fees are used. This represents less than 1% of all the estimated funding for the Department of Health for FY 2021. The Analyst recommends that the Subcommittee approve these proposed fees. |
Text |
Report ; Budget |
application/pdf |
eng |
Government ; Health |
Budget process ; Public administration ; Program budgeting ; Finance, Public ; Expenditures, Public ; State governments ; State governments--Finance ; Medical care ; Health insurance ; Health services administration ; Medical care, Cost of ; Cannabis--Therapeutic use ; Cannabis--Law and legislation |
Researchers ; Policy makers ; Health professionals |
Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5549030/, 39.25024, -111.75103 |
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