We're Breaking Records (and That's a Bad Thing) (Season 1, Episode 15, August 1, 2021)
Title:We're Breaking Records (and That's a Bad Thing) (Season 1, Episode 15, August 1, 2021)
Creator:Ackley, Trish
Publisher:Utah State Parks
Agency:Antelope Island State Park; Utah State Parks; Utah Natural Resources
Date Published:2021
Pages:00:16:02 min.
Description:Great Salt Lake broke its record for low lake levels last month and it's forecast to get worse through fall.
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (Utah):Audio
Internet Media Type:audio/mpeg
Topic:Natural resources
Subject (LCSH):Outdoor recreation; Parks--Recreational use; Public lands--Recreational use; Lakes--Economic aspects; Water--Pollution; Climatic changes; Artemia; Salt lakes; Parks--Public use; Public lands; Runoff; Water levels; Podcasts; Parks--Management; Public lands--Management; Migratory birds; Weather--Effect of lakes on; Parks; Drought; Global environmental change
Place:Great Salt Lake, Box Elder County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5775376/, 41.16266, -112.53491; Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/7536111/, 40.95806, -112.20722
Rights:The Utah State Library Division considers state publications made available by state agencies and political subdivisions as required by Utah Code Ann. § 9-7-201 to 9-7-209 to be in the public domain under U.S. copyright law (17 U.S.C.). All informational materials in this government publication are in the public domain, and as such, are not restricted by copyright law unless otherwise stated.
Collection:Utah State Publications
External Link(s):
Permanent Link:https://digitallibrary.utah.gov/aw-server/rest/product/purl/USL/f/51a805c7-f8b0-4246-b8ab-1b316d3ef5ca
Document ID:154559

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