Walleye Production Dynamics in Mid-Elevation Reservoirs in Utah : Impacts on Forage Fish in Starvation and Yuba Reservoirs
Title:Walleye Production Dynamics in Mid-Elevation Reservoirs in Utah : Impacts on Forage Fish in Starvation and Yuba Reservoirs
Creator:Bouwes, Nick
Publisher:Utah. Division of Wildlife Resources
Agency:Wildlife Resources; Utah Natural Resources
Date Published:2002
Pages:33 p.
Description:Creating self-sustaining predator-prey interactions with a combination of native and exotic predators in highly altered reservoir systems has been a difficult challenge to fisheries managers. The inability to accurately assess predator and prey abundance and production is partially responsible for the difficulties in managing reservoirs. Recently however, several techniques are available that have improved our ability to understand predator-prey interactions, including hydroacoustics, bioenergetics models, and stable isotope analysis. Walleye has often been chosen as a predator to stock in western reservoirs to enhance angling opportunities because of life history characteristics of this species are conducive to the cool waters of mountain reservoirs. However, walleye productivity in Utah reservoirs has not met the expectations of anglers nor fisheries managers. Starting in 1966, research has been conducted using several techniques mentioned above to understand walleye-prey interactions in several mid-elevation reservoirs. These studies have documented that walleyes are responsible for the depletion of forage fish abundance in Starvation and Yuba reservoirs, which ultimately has reduced walleye production. Results from these studies led to the recommendation to actively reduce walleye abundance in Starvation and Yuba reservoirs in hopes to recover the forage fish populations and increase walleye production.
Type (DCMI):Text
Type (Utah):Report
Internet Media Type:application/pdf
Topic:Natural resources
Subject (LCSH):Walleye (Fish); Fish populations; Fish stocking; Fish stocking--Environmental aspects; Fish stocking--Evaluation; Fishery management; Fishing--Management; Introduced fishes; Introduced animals; Native fishes; Predatory animals; Wildlife conservation; Wildlife management
Place:Starvation Reservoir, Duchesne County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5782066/, 40.19114, -110.46579; Yuba Lake State Recreation Area, Juab County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5550093/, 39.37885, -112.02743
Rights:The Utah State Library Division considers state publications made available by state agencies and political subdivisions as required by Utah Code Ann. § 9-7-201 to 9-7-209 to be in the public domain under U.S. copyright law (17 U.S.C.). All informational materials in this government publication are in the public domain, and as such, are not restricted by copyright law unless otherwise stated.
Collection:Utah State Publications
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Permanent Link:https://digitallibrary.utah.gov/aw-server/rest/product/purl/USL/f/4e73283d-83ba-4a7c-a521-84f1b05277ee
Document ID:157175

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